Goju-Shorei prides itself on being a system of honor and integrity as much as a system of skill. Below are the Guiding Principles that every student, teacher and Goju-Shorei School must follow.
First, members of this Family always honor their Teachers.
First, members of this Family always honor their Students.
First, members of this Family always honor their Peers.
First, members of this Family always honor Themselves.
First, members of this Family recognize the healing arts as the highest form of Martial Arts.
First, members of this Family never take the use of violence lightly, and always endeavor to preserve life and limb – attempting to the last to cause No Harm.
First, members of this Family support all members in everything except the loss of Honor.
First, members of this Family never bring disgrace to the System.
First, members of this Family teach and train with a clear spirit – Shorei.